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Global Investment Property (GIP), announces that Regency Invest, a prominent UK-based property investment firm, have collaborated to enhance the offerings on GIP’s platform.

By featuring exclusive investment opportunities provided by Regency Invest, known for its deep market insights and robust due diligence practices, the partnership will integrate Regency Invest’s carefully curated property listings into GIP’s platform, which is frequented by a wide spectrum of investors from individual buyers to institutional clients.

Properties will be highlighted through various channels including GIP’s portal, its monthly newsletter, and dedicated marketing efforts, ensuring high visibility among potential investors.

GIP,  which helps bring comprehensive and profitable property investment opportunities online in a singular place, sees this collaboration as a strategic move to enhance its current offerings and improve user experience.

“Our platform is designed to simplify the property investment process by providing high-yielding opportunities at the fingertips of investors. Adding Regency Invest’s properties to our portfolio not only diversifies our listings but also enhances the quality of investments available,” said Phill Etchells, head of sales at GIP.

Regency Invest, with a collective three decades of expertise in the UK property market places a strong emphasis on transparency and investor education, providing comprehensive due diligence packs to assist buyers in making informed decisions.

“Our alliance with GIP allows us to reach a broader audience and deliver our promise of market-leading property investment opportunities.” stated Mark Ivimy, Director at Regency Invest.

The collaboration offers both novice and seasoned investors access to premier properties whilst facilitating a smoother investment process.

Investors interested in exploring the new opportunities made available through this partnership are encouraged to visit or contact Phill at

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